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The 30th Global Seminar by Foreign Researcher in Takatsuki High school
18 June 2024 – Takatsuki High School.

My name is CHANTHAVONG Phouvanh (Bank). I hold a master’s degree in Internal Medicine and am currently a research student in Professor (Prof.) KAMIDE’s laboratory. Before I begin, I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards Takatsuki High School for organizing this event and providing me with the unforgettable to lecture at this esteemed institution. Additionally, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Prof. Kamide for facilitating this chance for me.

On 18 June 2024, I was honored to be invited as a lecturer at Takatsuki High School. The purpose of my visit was to share my experiences and discuss various health issues currently affecting Laos with the students. Accompanied by AKAGI sensei, I arrived at around 10:30 a.m. and received a brief introduction about the history of the school from KUDO sensei, Principal of Takatsuki High School.

After a brief conversation, we proceeded to the meeting room where students from different grades were eagerly waiting. I presented to the students about my home country, Laos, under the topic “LAO PDR AND HEALTH ISSUES”. The presentation, which lasted about 30 minutes, covered various general and specific health issues in Laos, such as environmental concerns and habitual dietary problems.

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    Me giving a lecture at Takatsuki High School

Following the lecture, there was a lively Q&A session. The first question I received was why I chose to become a doctor. Another student inquired about the relationship between Laos' current health issues and its political structure. There were also intriguing questions about potential solutions for the low quality of healthcare in Laos. The students of Takatsuki High School were very polite and showed great enthusiasm for my lecture. The feedback from both students and teachers was overwhelmingly positive. Many students thanked me for sharing my experiences, and I was deeply grateful for the opportunity to inspire and motivate young minds.

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    Me listening to one of the student’s question

After the lecture, we gathered for a group photo.

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    Memorable group photo post-lecture

Following the photo session, we said our goodbyes to the students and teachers. However, Takatsuki High School kindly offered to give us a tour of the campus. We were shown various locations, including the classrooms, the canteen, and the science lab. The most impressive room was the library, which, in my opinion, had a very British style and was one of the largest libraries I have ever seen. During the tour, we were greeted by MAEDA san, the Director of the Global Education Department. She was very welcoming and expressed her desire to see us again in the future.

Lastly, before we said goodbye and parted our ways, we took a tiny opportunity to take one last photo.

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    We gather for the last photo before departing

These are just fragments of my experiences from that day, and words cannot fully capture my feelings. It was an incredibly unique experience and a valuable lesson for me.
Once again, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Takatsuki High School for inviting me and to the students for their warm reception and active participation. Furthermore, I would like to thank Prof. KAMIDE for believing in me and selecting me as a lecturer. I also appreciate AKAGI sensei for accompanying me throughout this unforgettable experience. It is an experience I will cherish for the rest of my life, and I hope to have more opportunities like this in the future.

Mechanosensitive ion channels mini-symposium in Osaka
June 7th, 2024

Mechanosensitive ion channels mini-symposium in Osaka was held on June 7th, 2024, at the lecture room C in Faculty of Medicine, Osaka university. We invited three speakers, Dr. Kotaro Hirano from University of Shizuoka, Dr. Yun Lyna Luo from Western University of Health Sciences, and Dr. Jerome J. Lacroix from Western University of Health Sciences. Research of Mechanosensitive ion channels have been progressing recently, especially since the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Dr. Ardem Patapoutian who discovered PIEZO mechanosensitive channels. In this mini-symposium, we could share latest data regarding PIEZO channels from the biophysical, mathematical, and cell biological point of view. The discussion session has been lively active.

Click here for the flyer.
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  • サムネイル

City of Hope National Medical Center Beckman Institute Professor Hui Special Lecture
Thursday, May 30, 2024, 10:00 - 12:00

Professor Susanta K. Hui, the Beckman Institute at City of Hope National Medical Center, USA, had a special lecture titled “Rediscovering the Role of Radiation in improving hematopoietic stem cell transplant outcomes for hematological diseases.” He discussed the history and latest findings in developing methods to manage leukemia and graft-versus-host disease and his research. A total of 32 participants attended the lecture and had a lively discussion.

  • Prof. Hui answers questions from students.

  • The scene at the site before the lecture.

Program report on a medical student of Mahidol University at Division of Health Sciences
Apr 22 – May 10, 2024

As part of the Osaka University CAMPUS ASIA PLUS program, Katie, a recent graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, Mahidol University, Thailand, trained at the Division of Health Sciences from April 22 – May 10 2024.
As per Katie's wishes, she received very comprehensive training in Women's Health Science, Perioperative Care, Critical and Paliative Care Nursing, Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Community Health and Home Medical Care, during the two-week training period. Katie commented that she had learnt a lot and hopes to study more at UOsaka one day. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the teachers who were in charge of her study.

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    Thank you for all the faculties assisting the program arrangements!

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    She presented the results of the program at Kamide Lab.

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    Katie and CAMPUS ASIA staff

UCLA professor gave special lectures
May 10th and 17th, 2024

Prof. Stephen Cannon of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) David Geffen School of Medicine gave two special lectures. The first lecture, "Therapeutic pipeline for periodic paralysis: channel modifiers and gene therapy," provided up-to-date research information for researchers and physicians inside and outside the university. The second lecture, "Neuromuscular junction disorders and clinical symptoms," was an easy-to-understand presentation for undergraduate students. Both lectures were well attended and very active, with many questions from the students.

Click here for the flyer.
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  • サムネイル