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Area of Medical Laboratory Science and Technology/Department of Clinical Laboratory and Biomedical Sciences
Laboratory of Medical Microbiology and Microbiome


In the Laboratory of Medical Microbiology and Microbiome, we are studying the following; 1. Search for novel virulence factors of pathogenic bacteria (i.e. genus Streptococcus etc.) and mechanism for causing the infectious diseases by the factors, 2. Relationship between changes in the composition of the microbiome that coexists in our bodies and the risk of developing non-infectious diseases and health disorders . Through the above two research themes, we aim to elucidate the new functions of bacteria, and the relationship between their functions and pathogenesis of infectious diseases, non-infectious diseases, and health disorders.


Laboratory Members

Professor Shigefumi Okamoto
Telephone & Fax: 06-6879-2612
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